Walking on the water
105 min.
Itàlia (2018)
Andrey Paounov
Treball sobre el procès de disseny i construcció d’una instal·lació de l’artista Christo. L’escenari és el llac Iseo a Italia. En aquesta ocasió, aquest forjador de “grans obres” ens mostra les dificultats que tenen la majoria de les seves creacions i com, finalment, es fan realitat. Un debat sobre l’art amb peces flotants i roba per poder “caminar” sobre les aigües.
The murmur of water and other noises
We present a new film cycle dedicated to two topical issues of concern. We will talk about noise, through four documentaries and four fiction films that deal both with sound and the effects of noise pollution, and with water and its entire environment.
In the cycle of noise we will become aware of the importance of the ear for human activity and health, of the ability to discover invisible sounds of nature, of the discomfort of perceiving everyday sounds when it does not touch and of effects of the world’s noise on marine fauna.
In the water cycle we will present territories claimed in the face of some human constructions, explorations in Antarctica with campaigns full of the future, complaints about pollution consciously hidden by certain interests and artistic expressions in the aquatic environment.
Jordi Teis, curator
105 min.
Itàlia (2018)
Andrey Paounov
Treball sobre el procès de disseny i construcció d’una instal·lació de l’artista Christo. L’escenari és el llac Iseo a Italia. En aquesta ocasió, aquest forjador de “grans obres” ens mostra les dificultats que tenen la majoria de les seves creacions i com, finalment, es fan realitat. Un debat sobre l’art amb peces flotants i roba per poder “caminar” sobre les aigües.
The murmur of water and other noises
We present a new film cycle dedicated to two topical issues of concern. We will talk about noise, through four documentaries and four fiction films that deal both with sound and the effects of noise pollution, and with water and its entire environment.
In the cycle of noise we will become aware of the importance of the ear for human activity and health, of the ability to discover invisible sounds of nature, of the discomfort of perceiving everyday sounds when it does not touch and of effects of the world’s noise on marine fauna.
In the water cycle we will present territories claimed in the face of some human constructions, explorations in Antarctica with campaigns full of the future, complaints about pollution consciously hidden by certain interests and artistic expressions in the aquatic environment.
Jordi Teis, curator