The Espai Cràter exhibition hall will be closed from 17 June to 8 July, both included

Durant el període de tancament es durà a terme la instal·lació del nou cub immersiu

The Espai Cràter will install the new immersive cube from 17 June to 8 July. This project is focused on creating an impactful and stimulating experience for visitors to the centre, through an integrated immersive installation related to the contents of the exhibition.

Through this experience, the public will have the opportunity to realistically experience the sensation of travelling to the discovery of four unknown volcanoes, situated in locations that are almost impossible to visit physically. This proposal aims to bring the public closer to the spectacular nature of these natural phenomena, while at the same time offering an educational and entertaining experience. The mixture of storytelling, technology and art will allow the public to get to know new places in a unique way.