Let’s rethink the Espai Cràter Park

The architectural proposal for the Espai Cràter places the center inside the Puig del Roser volcano and exposes an expanse of nature. The Espai Cràter Park forms part of the public space and connects with the Regional Archive and the Montsacopa cemetery. Its recent appearance has led to a lack of definition in the way it is inhabited: young people often chat in a circle, older people rest or some people simply walk through it.

Let’s rethink the Espai Cràter Park is a proposal by Marcos Garcia, director of Medialab Prado 2014-2021; Javier Ibáñez, coordinator of the Programa d’Innovació Ciutadana de Las Naves, and Sergi Frías, director of Coboi lab. During the workshop, they proposed, together with young people from the city, actions, and activities to move forward in this new space in the city. This activity opened up the possibility for young people to contribute their knowledge, experiences, and desires to generate other meanings for this space and, therefore, to think of other ways of inhabiting the city.